Trooperbay Fullers Earth Weathering Powder Combo


50 in stock


FULLERS EARTH 3 COLOR COMBO PACK This light weight powdery substance is great for adding weathering to your TD-Sand Armor. Its also great for modeling where you are trying to achieve a worn or battled look.
Trooperbay has priced the Fullers Earth 3 color combo pack at an affordable price. The three – one ounce packets of Slate, Cocoa Brown and Sand should be enough to do an entire set of armor. Used sparingly a little goes a very long way. To see how well the Fullers Earth works please see the helmet pic in this listing.

Here is how its applied: I spray the helmet or armor with hairspray and then use various methods to apply the Fullers. I blow it on in the palm of my hand, brush it on with a wet brush or flick it on with a dry brush. Once it has dried I use a wet sponge to dab the fullers and a dry shop towel to blend it in. I also use a wire brush and sandpaper to get it highlighted and blended how I want.